WA's Tourism Activity Barometer
Recent national and world events such as the grounding of Ansett and the acts of terrorism in the United States have greatly impacted on the tourism industry. Prompted by these events, the Western Australian Tourism Commission recognised the need for a Tourism Activity Barometer to monitor and forecast the health of the tourism industry. This information will assist them in managing the impact of such events on operators and in forecasting future industry trends.
Data Analysis Australia and the Hides Group have been awarded the contract to design, manage, conduct and report on the Tourism Activity Barometer for the first six months with options to extend to a year.
The consulting team has a long history with tourism surveys, either running them or reviewing them. In Western Australia particularly, the team was involved in collecting and reporting on destination-based travel data for the WA Travel Survey before it was discontinued.
In the immediate future the Barometer will deliver an instant outlook of the State's tourism industry trends at a regional level, and later develop into an information tool to establish patterns for future opportunities. The Barometer collects information from tour operators, attractions, activities and accommodation establishments.
March 2002