A Biostatistics Tasting Plate

When people see the word Biostatistics, first thoughts sometimes turn towards medicine or epidemiology. But the field of biostatistics is much broader than that, being the application of statistical techniques to any of the biological sciences, such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, ecology and the environment, as well as medicine, pharmacology and epidemiology.
Biostatistical techniques are as varied as the lifeforms inhabiting our world. They run the gamut from design elements including study and experimental design, analysis plans and sample size and power calculations, through analysis of results using techniques such as survival analysis, logistic regression, mixed effects and generalised linear models, factor and cluster analysis and meta-analysis, to the effective presentation, dissemination and utilisation of these results.

To demonstrate our extensive experience and expertise across a broad range of applications in the life sciences, we offer you a tasting plate of our work in the area, where our talented statisticians have:
- Contributed to the success of ethics applications for the livestock industry and to the approval of cost-effective environmental monitoring schemes for mine sites, through the provision of efficient study designs, sample size and power calculations, and analysis plans.
- Applied the appropriate statistical techniques to design and analyse longitudinal, matched case-control, cross-over, split plot and balanced factorial experimental designs to monitor rare flora at sites near iron ore mines, examine the effectiveness of a surgical site preparation, estimate the effectiveness of bee diets, use aerial surveys to estimate the density of marine mammals, and assess changes in soil bulk density due to timber harvesting.
- Used text, tables, equations, and plots to display the right data in the right way in support of successful peer-reviewed journal publications in agriculture, ecology and medical research.
- Helped clients to improve efficiency and utilise findings by creating practical Excel tools, including one used by clinicians to predict the probability of cancer for a new patient based on fitted models and one used by laboratory technicians to streamline data entry and automate its processing, analysis and results presentation.
We hope you have enjoyed our tasting plate of Biostatistical expertise. For further information on how Data Analysis Australia can use our skills to help you, please Contact Us.
March 2016